
We planted Trees in ’23 – We’re planting more in ‘24

The Town Council is extending to community groups in the town, an invitation to participate in an initiative aimed at planting a substantial number of trees in Mossley over the next 10 years.

Last year the Town Council invited primary schools in Mossley to participate in the initiative by giving to each child in Year 6 (the final year at primary school) a small tree to plant, with permission, in their own or a family member’s garden. It is hoped that the planting of the tree in a personal environment familiar to the child will enable participating children to observe the growth and development of the tree and help to provide a lasting memory and awareness for the wider environment.

The Town Council is embarking upon a similar initiative this year and has decided to extend the initiative to community groups in the town.

The Town Council is inviting community groups to indicate how they might accommodate a small number of trees which will be donated by the Town Council.

Community groups are invited to submit details of where any trees will be planted and provide evidence that the consent of any landowner has been obtained.

Details of any proposals for consideration by the Town Council or any questions about the initiative should be addressed to the Clerk to the Town Council by no later than 15 February 2024, at the following email address: