
Transpennine Route Upgrade Funding Announcement

Here’s how you can find out more.

Network Rail have notified the Town Council of some exciting news about the Transpennine Route Upgrade, one of Britain’s largest rail programmes that will transform journeys for passengers in the North of England.

The Government has announced a £3.9bn funding boost for the programme. The increased commitment takes total funding to £6.9bn. This allows Network Rail to move into the next phase of ambitious plans, leading to reduced journey times, reduced carbon emissions and more reliable rail services between Manchester and York.

The full route will offer high standard rail services with passengers benefiting from a fully electrified line, accessible stations and more frequent services. The funding also supports digital signalling along the route to improve the safety of journeys and allow trains to run closer together, leading to increased capacity on the network.

The regional economy will benefit from the project, thousands of jobs and apprentice roles created, carbon emissions reduced by 108,000 tonnes a year and 15 extra freight trains able to travel per day – taking more lorries off the road and delivering people’s goods quicker.

Network Rail have offered the Town Council an opportunity to meet to discuss the funding announcement, its implications for our partnership, and in particular their plans for our local area.

The Town Council has readily agreed to meet with Network Rail and their representatives will now attend the next meeting of the Town Council on Wednesday 21 February 2024.

This meeting is of course open to the public and an invitation is extended to the community to attend the meeting.

The meeting will take place at Mossley Methodist Church on Wednesday 21 February 2024 commencing at 8.00pm.

It would be helpful to gauge numbers if anyone interested in attending could email me at the following address:

Mike Iveson

Clerk to the Town Council