On Wednesday 26 January 2022, members of Mossley Town Council met with senior Police Officers, an officer from Tameside MBC and representatives of the Friends of Egmont St to witness first-hand the recent acts of vandalism, anti-social behaviour and dog mess left in the children’s play area at the Egmont St Park and Community Garden.
The Police are keen to pursue those responsible for these acts of anti-social behaviour and fully acknowledge the upset caused to the Mossley Community by these disgraceful acts.
The meeting was a most productive exercise and I am confident now that having renewed working relationships and networking arrangements with the Police, we can work together to reduce the type of behaviour witnessed for the overall benefit of the wider Mossley community.
Police representatives will be present at all future Town Council meetings to report on and respond to questions relating to crime and policing activity in Mossley.
Let us hope that by working together we can reduce behaviour of this type in our town for the benefit of everyone.
Mike Iveson
Clerk to Mossley Town Council