Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
Education and Inspections Act 2006
Proposal to Re-open the Nursery at St George’s CE Primary School, Mossley
NOTICE IS GIVEN in accordance with section 19(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that the governing body of St George’s CE Primary School are proposing in consultation with Tameside Local Authority to make a prescribed alteration to St George’s CE Primary School, Stamford St, Mossley, OL5 0HT from November 2022.
proposal is to re-introduce the nursery provision at St George’s CE Primary School, with effect from November 2022. This will mean the nursery would re-open and parents could apply for places as soon as the consultation process has been agreed
The Governing Body as part of decision making wants to ensure the most appropriate and best options for pupils. With the small and declining number of pupils in the current Reception provision and the impact therefore on the school’s budget, St George’s CE Primary School wishes to extend the age range of the school and open a Foundation Stage unit of children aged 3 to 5 rather than 4 to 5 rather than mixing KS1 children in the class with Reception. This would increase the educational standards in school as there would no longer be need to teach 2 curriculums in one class.
This Notice is an extract from the complete proposal. Copies of the complete proposal can be obtained from Carolyn Divers, Headteacher at St George’s CE Primary school or on the website: St George’s CE Primary School – Nursery Proposal (st-georges-mossley.tameside.sch.uk)
Within four weeks from the date of publication of these proposals, any person may object to or make comments in writing to the undersigned or by email to carolyn.divers@st-georges-mossley.tameside.sch.uk by no later than midnight on 20 October 2022
Date: 15 September 2022