People in Mossley will be aware that Sunday 12 November 2023 is the date for the customary Mossley Remembrance Service at 10.45 at the War Memorial in Mossley Park. Everyone is invited to be there.
This year the Town Council in partnership with the Royal British Legion and local historians Rita Vaughan and Kathryn Young are embarking on an exciting yet very moving initiative to remember not only all those who have given their lives in the pursuit of freedom and justice, but also focusing on those men and women from Mossley who made the ultimate sacrifice.
People of Mossley are invited to participate in the initiative by obtaining and displaying in their window a ‘Tommy’ poster where possible dedicated to a resident of Mossley who gave their life.
An informative poster setting out more details of the initiative can be accessed via the following link:
Tommy Informative Poster
You can pick up a “Tommy” at shops, community centres and the Library in Mossley or download and print off via the links below.
Once downloaded, either colour in or leave in black, it’s up to you.
Then find a name from the following lists of those who fell in the Great or Second World war and insert it in the box. From the link to each person you can learn more about your chosen soldier, one of hundreds who gave their lives in the two World Wars.
Great War 1914-19
World War 2 1939-45
You can also place your own tribute in the box as well.
Then please display it in your window to show they are not forgotten.
For ease of reference, the ‘Tommy’ poster can be accessed via the following links. It is up to you which one you choose to use.
Tommy Posters
Please do participate in this initiative.
With the outbreaks of more recent conflicts in Ukraine and now the Middle East, it is even more important to remember the horror of war and the sacrifice made by those who fall and their families.
The Town Council aims this initiative at everyone but particularly our young people who may not be aware first hand of the sheer upset and futility of losing someone close to them in war.
Please explain to them that in reality, our own veterans of conflict, those who are in our community today, are keen to explain that it is not how it is often portrayed in films, games and books. It can be a life changing experience, which is very personal and so difficult to portray in any media. Only those who have experienced it, truly understand.
This project also honours, in our national time of Remembrance, those servicemen and women who are serving now, with the veterans who are around us in our daily lives, often doing ordinary jobs, being part of the community, but who are part of an extraordinary team who have been prepared to put their lives at risk for the protection of ours.
Mike Iveson,
Clerk to Mossley Town Council