
Meeting of Mossley Town Council – Wednesday 9 December 2020 07:30 pm

Members of the Town Council and the public are aware of the current Pandemic circumstances in which we all find ourselves.

In consultation with all members of the Town Council, it has been agreed that meetings in the conventional manner will be suspended for the foreseeable future in favour of ‘virtual’ meetings using “Zoom”.

Members of the public can continue to access the meeting and join the debate live via the following link:

Mossley Town Council Meeting

Time: Dec 9, 2020 07:30 pm

Meeting ID: 864 6822 8999

Passcode: 058938

If any member of the public wishes to discuss any arrangements for the meeting, please contact me by telephone or email as set out below:

Tel: 07809 690890


Mike Iveson

Clerk to the Town Council