Notice has already been given that following the resignation of a Town Councillor, there is a vacancy in the Lancashire Ward of Mossley Town (Parish) Council. The requisite number of electors have...
Mossley Town (Parish) Council – Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Town (Parish) Councillor for the Lancashire Ward
NOTICE OF VACANCY IN OFFICE OF P ARISH COUNCILLOR Parish of Mossley Lancashire Ward NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that due to the resignation of Bev Bennett, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of...
Audit of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2024 – Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return
Each year, the Town Council’s Accounts for the previous year are subject to internal and then external audit. The Town Council is required to submit various documents to the external auditor for...
Transpennine Route Upgrade
At the meeting of the Town Council on Wednesday 21 February 2024, the Town Council received a presentation from key Network Rail personnel involved in the recently announced Transpennine Route...
Mossley Remembrance – Lest We Forget
People in Mossley will be aware that Sunday 12 November 2023 is the date for the customary Mossley Remembrance Service at 10.45 at the War Memorial in Mossley Park. Everyone is invited to be...
Town Councillor Vacancy filled by Co-option
At the meeting of the Town Council on Wednesday 18 October 2023, the Councillor vacancy in the Lancashire Ward was filled by co-option. The vacancy was filled by Beverley (Bev) Bennett of 34 Fir...
Next meeting of Mossley Town Council – Wednesday 6 September 2023
The next meeting of Mossley Town Council will take place on Wednesday 6 September 2023 at 8.00pm. The meeting will take place in the Methodist Church Hall, Chapel St, Mossley. The press and...
Mossley Town (Parish) Council Notice of Vacancy in Office of Town (Parish) Councillor for the Lancashire Ward
As a result of the resignation from the Town Council of former Lancashire Ward Councillor Sally Davies, a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Mossley Town (Parish)...
‘The Ugly Ducking’ – Wednesday 30 August 2023
Are you looking for something to do with your children over the Summer? Read on….. ‘InTameside’ are organising 5 weeks of family fun over the Summer, including the following event which...
Annual Meeting of the Council and Annual Town Meeting – Wednesday 10 May 2023
The Annual Meeting of the Council and the Annual Town Meeting must be held in Spring of each year. This year, the Annual Meeting of the Council and the Annual Town Meeting will be held on...