Please take time to look at the attached brochure detailing the exciting proposals for the refurbishment and development of the former changing rooms on Egmont St: Egmont St leaflet V3 The Town...
Have your say on the future of the Egmont St former Pavilion and surrounding land
A letter (reproduced below) has been issued to residents on Egmont St and the locality inviting views on proposals to bring the former Egmont St Pavilion into community use. Mossley Town Council...
Mossley Town Council – Proposed Areas of Activity, 2023/27
On Thursday 4 May 2023 elections took place for all 9 seats on Mossley Town Council. Some existing councillors were re-elected and some new councillors were elected for their first term of...
Mossley Town Council’s Creative Space Support Fund Pilot Scheme
The Town Council is keen to support creative groups to get established and become sustainable. We realise that the availability and affordability of space may be a barrier to groups getting...
Upper Mossley Post Office 8 Lees Road, Mossley
The Post Office has advised that following the resignation of the postmaster and the withdrawal of the premises for Post Office use, the above branch will be closing temporarily on Monday 13 March...
‘Picking Up on Litter’ – Meeting of Mossley Town Council – 7 December 2022
Following the attendance of an interested member of the public (who volunteers with “Litterbugs”) at the October 2022 meeting, in the public engagement session, to discuss litter and fly-tipping...
Mossley’s Twin Town of Hem Remembers
A Ceremony marking the 104th Anniversary of the 11 November 1918 Armistice, as a result of which hostilities in the Great War ceased, took place in the Mossley twin town of Hem in France on Sunday 13...
Mossley ‘Music in the Park’ Event – Saturday 24 September 2022!
Please note that the ‘Marvellous Mossley Market’ and ‘Music in the Park’ events on Saturday 24 September 2022 have now been combined. The combined event will now take place in Mossley Park...
Proposal to Re-open the Nursery at St George’s CE Primary School, Mossley
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Education and Inspections Act 2006 NOTICE OF PROPOSAL Proposal to Re-open the Nursery at St George’s CE Primary School, Mossley NOTICE IS GIVEN in...
Her Majesty the Queen- Book of Condolence
A book of condolence has been opened to the public at the Library in the George Lawton Hall. It is available at all staffed times and by the usual access at other times when the Hall...