The Town Council has received a communication from the Post Office regarding the temporary closure of the Manchester Road (Bottom Mossley) Post Office with effect from 8 February 2024. The letter...
Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme (ARIS)
At each meeting of Mossley Town Council, members receive an update from the local Police on their activity in the Town. Members acknowledge the excellent work being undertaken by our officers in...
We planted Trees in ’23 – We’re planting more in ‘24
The Town Council is extending to community groups in the town, an invitation to participate in an initiative aimed at planting a substantial number of trees in Mossley over the next 10 years. Last...
“Bee in the Loop” – New Initiative launched by Greater Manchester Police
Mossley Town Council’s local Police representatives have drawn attention to the new “Bee in the Loop” initiative launched by Greater Manchester Police. Greater Manchester spans 493 square...
Micklehurst Christmas Lights switch-on – Friday 24 November 2023 – 6.00pm to 7.00pm
Join us for a festive live event as we gather together to celebrate the Christmas Period by turning on the Christmas tree at Micklehurst Green. This exciting event will surely get you into the...
Mossley Christmas Lights switch-on – Saturday 25 November 2023 – 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Join us for a festive live event as we gather together to celebrate the Christmas Period by turning on the Christmas tree in The Mossley Market Place! This exciting event will surely get you into the...
The Town Council is hoping to increase travel by foot or bicycle this Autumn. Across Greater Manchester, every year 200 million car journeys are made for distances shorter than one kilometre, the...
Response to the Rail Delivery Group consultation on proposals to remove ticket offices from stations.
Mossley Town Council is a properly constituted local authority within the provisions of the Local Government Acts and associated legislation. The members of the Council are concerned over the...
Outline application for proposed residential development (with means of access to be considered, all other matters reserved) at land to west of Huddersfield Road (between Hey Farm Estate and Mossley Hollins High School), Mossley (18/00159/OUT)
The Town Council considered this application for a second time at the meeting on 12 July 2023 following consultation by Tameside MBC on revisions made to the original application. The Town Council...
Mossley Town Council donates £150 to ‘Childflight’ Charity
Mossley Town Council has once again made an annual donation of £150 to ‘Childflight’. The donation will help to provide flights for underprivileged children to visit Santa this Christmas. A...