A letter (reproduced below) has been issued to residents on Egmont St and the locality inviting views on proposals to bring the former Egmont St Pavilion into community use.
Mossley Town Council has considered ideas and is partnering Works4U, a Stalybridge based educational organisation, to create a community café/hub building which will benefit the community and support young people.
Works4U are about to submit a planning application for the proposal, but the Town Council has asked them to meet with residents and the community who would like to see the plans in advance of that application being submitted.
The Town Council would also like to hear views about the playing fields and the areas around it, including the woods, canal and river valley.
There will be a display at the “Youth Base” on Hollins Lane, off Micklehurst Rd (entrance opposite the top of King Street) between 3.00pm and 7.00pm on Thursday 29 June 2023. All interested persons will be welcomed to come and see the display
The Town Council also looks forward to receiving your views.
They can be addressed to me as Clerk to the Town Council c/o 12 Netherlees, Lees, Oldham OL4 5BA or by email to:
or by telephone to 07970 456329
The letter issued to the community is set out below:
Egmont Street Playing Fields – Proposals for the former changing rooms
Dear Resident
Mossley Town Council has been working on ideas to bring the former changing rooms in the King George 5 playing fields- Egmont Street Park – back into use as a “community café/hub”.
We have partnered with Works4U, a Stalybridge based educational organisation, to create a building fit for the future and bringing with them an ethos about community and supporting young people.
They bring a compassionate approach in providing skills, confidence and experience to young adults who are finding difficulties making their way in the world, which impressed both us and Tameside Council, the owners of the building.
Works4U are proposing to set up a “community café” which will be managed to support those young people. As well as creating the café, they are providing training in hospitality skills, a place for the community and park users to enjoy and potentially to bring more local jobs.
Works4U will be submitting a planning application for the proposal shortly, but we have asked them to meet with residents who would like to see the plans in advance. Plus we would like to hear what you have to say about the playing fields and the areas around it; the woods, canal and river valley.
They will have a display at the “Youth Base” on Hollins Lane, off Micklehurst Rd OL5 9HX, on 29th June 3-7pm. Entrance opposite the top of King Street.
If you cannot make that date, there will be information on line and in leaflet form from local shops after the event. Go to: https://works4u.org.uk/